
[Guide] How Turmeric Benefits Men vs. Women

Turmeric Benefits Men Women

There has been a fair amount of discussion about the health benefits associated with turmeric. It has reached a point that many people have adopted the root as one of their leading nutritional supplements. With all of the advantages turmeric offers for the average consumer, it is hardly surprising that the spice is rising in popularity. 

Many people have questions regarding turmeric's benefits based on their sex. There is some uncertainty if one's biological sex affects how turmeric impacts the body. Further still, there is some uncertainty if this can diminish the effects of turmeric. We hope to provide a little more clarity on how turmeric can benefit men and women individually with this article. 

What Makes Turmeric so Beneficial?

Before we can detail the effects turmeric offers for members of either sex, we should clarify why turmeric is so valuable. Curcuma longa, colloquially known as turmeric, is host to a lesser-known substance known as curcumin, hence the origin of the scientific name. Despite the obscurity it faces when compared to turmeric, curcumin is the principal curcuminoid found in Curcuma longaand is the source of the root's medicinal properties. Since its discovery, curcumin has served as the basis of turmeric's applications.

Turmeric Powder Scoop

 Curcumin itself is far from the perfect substance, as it has a significant disadvantage. Curcumin has a remarkably low bioavailability, meaning it is difficult for the body to absorb. Fortunately, there are ways to combat this drawback that have found their way into mainstream nutritional supplements. The best way to enhance curcumin's bioavailability is to combine it with black pepper. Black pepper contains a compound called piperine that can enhance certain substances' bioavailability, including curcumin.

Curcumin is primarily responsible for the beneficial qualities for which turmeric is known. Nevertheless, the real question remains what benefits are solely applicable to only men or women. 

How Does Turmeric Benefit Men?

Turmeric, or rather curcumin's, benefits are extensive. However, some benefits can only serve men due to the biological variances between men and women. Perhaps the most significant way turmeric is beneficial to men rather than women is with the male prostate. You might have heard about the "female prostate," but this is a misnomer. The "female prostate" refers to the Skene's glands which are distinct from a prostate.

The prostate is unique to men and is responsible for the male body's ability to alternate between urination and ejaculation. An essential component of the male reproductive system, it is essential to maintain its health. Unfortunately, this unique component of the male anatomy is also known for being the site of a very unpleasant form of cancer. Prostate cancer can wreak havoc on the male body, making it one of the more insufferable forms of the disease.

Fortunately, curcumin might help play a role in defending against cancer symptoms. Curcumin's effect against cancer has been studied broadly, with promising results. However, the studies are just as prevalent for prostate cancer specifically. Several studies have been conducted to try and verify the ability of curcumin to combat prostate cancer.

Man Taking Turmeric

One study conducted back in 2015 found that curcumin can weaken the production rate of cancerous tumors in the prostate by restricting specific pathways in the body for cell production. This restriction prevents the cells responsible for tumor growth from reaching where the tumor would otherwise be. Another study found that curcumin can stop fibroblasts specific to cancer. These fibroblasts consist of connective tissue composed of collagen and fibers responsible for cancer manifesting. 

Finally, curcumin has been identified as both a radioprotector (which protects against radiation) and a radiosensitizer (which makes things more susceptible to radiation). These qualities offer a two-fold benefit for cancer treatment. First, the radiosensitizer aspect can render cancerous tumors in the prostate vulnerable to radiation therapy that is common for cancer treatment. Conversely, the radioprotector aspect can defend the rest of your body from harmful side effects associated with radiation therapy.

Given the devastating effect prostate cancer can have on men's health, finding ways to help fight against it is an important task. However, now that we know how turmeric can be used to bolster men's health, the question of women's health remains.

How Does Turmeric Benefit Women?

It is no secret that women's health can be infinitely more complex than men's health in certain areas. Given that women are the sole members of the species capable of giving birth, they have slightly more complicated anatomies when compared to men. The female body has to process countless additional hormones throughout a woman's life, and it experiences a fair amount of wear and tear. The ultimate stage of this is the stage of menopause.

Generally, women go through menopause in their 40's or 50's, and it causes a rash of unpleasant effects that can make everyday life more than a little uncomfortable. One of the most irritating symptoms of menopause is the periodic "hot flashes" that are downright disorienting in extreme cases. In most menopausal women, finding ways to mitigate the symptoms can lead to a happier quality of life. This mitigation is where curcumin comes into play.

Drinking Turmeric Smoothie

A few years back, a study was conducted on 93 menopausal women using curcumin. These 93 women were divided into three groups. The first group got 500mg of curcumin, the second group got vitamin E, and the third group got a placebo. Each group took their assigned supplement twice a day for eight weeks. By the end of the study, it was found that the first and second groups experienced significantly fewer hot flashes.

As you might have noticed, the benefits of turmeric between the sexes are not numerous. There are very few issues unique to separate sexes and therefore few that turmeric addresses. However, turmeric is still a highly effective tool for health supplementation. There are plenty of common issues it can treat.

How Does Turmeric Benefit Both?

Turmeric, primarily the curcumin within, is still being studied to see what new benefits arise from its continued use. Both men and women have a few unique issues that turmeric can be used to counter. However, men and women share far more common issues for which turmeric remains a viable tool. Some turmeric benefits might seem too good to be accurate, but we assure you they are not.

Curcumin can be used as a weapon against more discreet mental conditions to a lesser yet equally significant extent. The biggest one is depression. While the research behind curcumin being used as a treatment avenue against depression is still in its infancy, the results are too promising to dismiss. 

A trial was conducted on 60 individuals with depression divided into three groups. The first group took Prozac, the second group took curcumin, and the third group took both. By the end of the study, the third group showed the most significant decrease in depressive episodes. The first and second groups showed a remarkably similar decrease. 

While using curcumin as an aid for depression might seem odd when mainstream anti-depressants are available, you might find it a kinder addition to your care routine. While curcumin likely cannot fully replace pharmaceuticals, it does not have any addictive qualities.

Sliced Turmeric Root

One of the most exciting benefits turmeric offers is that it can help combat the most common form of dementia globally. Alzheimer's disease plagues more and more Americans with each passing year. It is one of the most horrific conditions out there. What is truly heartbreaking is that Alzheimer's constitutes up to 70% of dementia cases. So terrible is Alzheimer's that the idea that something as simple as turmeric can help might seem foolish.

However, there has been research that supports turmeric as a potential weapon against Alzheimer's and for improving victims' mental health across the globe. The reason is that curcumin has been studied and found to be capable of entering the bloodstream around the brain, allowing its effects to apply to one of the most sensitive regions of the human body. So, while it certainly is not a cure for the affliction, it can be a powerful tool for helping to prevent its manifestation.

Some of the main types of damage associated with Alzheimer's are oxidative and inflammation. What might surprise you is that curcumin can alleviate both of them. By introducing curcumin to your system, you can help reduce the inflammation and oxidative damage around your brain and possibly stave off Alzheimer's. Additionally, Alzheimer's involves amyloid plaques that slowly accumulate and induce the symptoms. Further studies on curcumin have found that it can also reduce the number of amyloid plaques in your system.

It is also worth noting that any condition where inflammation is a crucial factor can be mitigated by introducing curcumin to your system. This list can include heart disease, metabolic syndrome, degenerative diseases, and even curcumin's capacity to combat cancer. The potential for curcumin to improve our overall health is growing steadily as we learn more and more about its effects. Now, we know you are probably wondering, "what is the catch?"

Are There Risks?

It is possible to have too much of a good thing. Whether or not that applies to turmeric is a less clear concept. Humans have consumed turmeric and the curcumin found within for centuries since it was initially discovered. Turmeric remains a key ingredient in Indian cuisine to this day. Given turmeric's history as a common ingredient in cuisine and its growing popularity as a supplement, it is probably necessary to know it is safe.

Fortunately, we have good news in that regard. Turmeric and curcumin alike are registered as safe for human consumption and have shown no signs of significant side effects. This registration does not mean that it is risk-free, however. 

Reaction to Turmeric

There have been reports of a few side effects associated with curcumin consumption. The minor side effects include dizziness, nausea, and diarrhea. However, these effects are infrequent and unlikely to affect you. That being said, we recommend, as always, that you consult with your primary care physician to ensure there are no conflicts with turmeric, such as allergies or interactions with prescribed medications.

Additionally, there is no set limit on how much curcumin is considered safe for intake. This lack of limit means that, theoretically, you would be able to consume curcumin indefinitely without fear of consequence. However, we cannot recommend that you over-indulge. Finding the proper turmeric curcumin dosage is an important step that can usually be simplified depending on what medium you use.

Eating turmeric raw or cooking the root will make introducing curcumin to your system a little more complicated and harder to measure since there is very little curcumin in the roots. Using supplements will have the ideal dosage per capsule. The bottle will come with instructions on how many capsules a day should be taken to maximize the effects.

The Vital Point

Turmeric is one of the fastest-growing supplements in terms of popularity and is becoming increasingly accessible to the average consumer. The root's curcumin content is a verifiable source of several health benefits that can improve quality of life and overall health. 

When it comes to the sexes, there is little it does that is exclusive to men or women, but those few exclusive issues might benefit from having curcumin introduced. At the end of the day, curcumin is more likely to help with your issues than it is to have no effect. So, the only real question is where you can get supplements for yourself.

We at NuVitality would like to invite you to browse our website. We offer capsules that are specifically designed to capitalize on the curcumin content of turmeric while also enhancing it with piperine. The capsules are easy to introduce to your system and come with guidance on how many a day should be consumed. 

Turmeric Curcumin Supplement

So, if you are considering taking advantage of curcumin's extensive effects for your needs, check us out. We would love to accompany you on your journey to the healthy Nu you.

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