
FAQ: How Quickly Can Turmeric Curcumin Lower Blood Pressure?

Turmeric Curcumin For Blood Pressure

Curcumin has risen to be one of the most prominent and popular supplements. Its health benefits have been used for years since its initial discovery, leading to a resurgence in modern health. This is especially important since modern health issues are even more prominent than they have ever been before. 

Taking advantage of any supplements that might be able to help us with these issues can be the only way for us to live the healthiest possible lives. One of the biggest problems we face today is our blood pressure, which can spike and cause serious health complications if not properly maintained.

Given how important blood pressure is to the human condition, finding tools to regulate it is paramount. Fortunately, evidence suggests that this is one of curcumin's many benefits. However, there is some confusion about how effective curcumin lowers high blood pressure and how long it takes for the effects to kick in. The science behind curcumin is still being fleshed out compared to more accepted treatment options from pharmacies. Hopefully, this article can put any concerns you have about curcumin's effects on blood pressure to rest as we discuss just how it works to accomplish this goal.

What Can Cause High Blood Pressure?

We need to understand what factors into high blood pressure overall and why it is such a big risk to our health. Blood pressure refers to the force with which your body sends blood through your arteries and veins. When it is pushing with excessive force, this is high blood pressure. When your blood pressure is too high and left unaddressed, your body starts getting damaged, and inflammation sets in from the high-speed flow of blood, which leads to a serious condition known as hypertension. The scariest thing about hypertension is its few observable symptoms, and most people contract it without even knowing it. This is why hypertension is known as the "silent killer."

The few symptoms you might notice include headaches, nosebleeds, and shortness of breath. However, these symptoms are so common among other conditions that you would likely never guess that high blood pressure is the cause. This begs the question of what can lead to the development of high blood pressure and hypertension in the first place.

Measuring Blood Pressure

The sad thing is that there are far too many potential causes of high blood pressure. The most common of which are:

  • Age: As we age, our bodies deteriorate and become more susceptible to damage.
  • Race: While hypertension is not exclusive to any one demographic, it is far more common in those with African heritage.
  • Obesity: Obesity causes hypertension since the additional weight requires our bodies to pump more blood with greater force to compensate.
  • Anxiety: Anxiety stemming from stress or depression can cause our blood pressure to spike and increase our risk of hypertension.
  • Genetics: If you come from a family with a history of high blood pressure, the odds of developing it yourself increase exponentially.
  • Poor Diet: Consuming foods high in sodium and lacking in essential nutrients and vitamins can cause your body to retain more fluid, leading to higher blood pressure.
  • Intoxicants: Excessive consumption of alcohol or tobacco can also cause blood pressure spikes and damage to your heart.

High blood pressure is also an extremely common issue in the United States, as 47% of the American population has it. This translates to over 116,000,000 people in the country, which is no laughing matter. According to the Centers for Disease Control, only 24% of these millions of people have any semblance of control over their condition. This is why finding the right supplement to return your blood pressure to normal levels is so important, as you might well have it and not be aware of it. So, now we must ask how curcumin factors into the situation.

Can Curcumin Lower Blood Pressure?

Now we should determine whether or not curcumin truly can lower your blood pressure before we commit to any other details. Blood circulation is managed by the endothelium, a thin membrane layer that lines the blood cells and lymphatic vessels in the human body. 

As we age, the lining becomes weaker, and our body has a much harder time regulating the flow of blood cells through the vascular system. However, high blood pressure levels can also disrupt the endothelial system and make it even harder for blood to flow properly. This can be a serious problem for people with high blood pressure as it will negatively affect your body's ability to pump blood.

Fortunately, a solution does exist within the chemical composition of curcumin harvested from turmeric roots. Antioxidants are used to help restore the endothelial system to functioning order, and curcumin is a known antioxidant. In fact, curcumin is known to increase the overall capacity of antioxidants the human body can support. This is important because antioxidants protect the body from the effects of free radicals that could otherwise compromise your health. Studies were conducted to see how curcumin could manage blood pressure because of curcumin's antioxidant status.

One of the most significant studies used to evaluate this trait was an 8-week experiment where 72 patients with type 2 diabetes were used as the test pool. Type 2 diabetes has severe effects on endothelial function, meaning blood pressure becomes a big problem for those who have it. The 72 subjects were divided into 3 test groups by the research staff:

  • Group 1: This group received a dose of 150 mg of curcumin twice a day during the study.
  • Group 2: This group received a dose of 10 mg of atorvastatin once a day during the study.
  • Group 3: This group received a placebo during the study.

While the study did lose 5 of the candidates, resulting in only 67 subjects seeing the test through to the end, the results were promising. The curcumin was shown to reduce the oxidative stress on the endothelial system and yielded reduced overall blood pressure for all candidates in the first group. This made curcumin a comparable blood pressure tool to atorvastatin for blood pressure management and the reduction of inflammatory cytokines due to oxidative stress.

Curcumin Powder Supplement

Another reason curcumin can be a useful tool against high blood pressure is its effects on fighting mental health issues like anxiety or depression. It might seem as though curcumin would be a poor choice to treat these issues, but even this has been studied within the bounds of the scientific process. A study was conducted to compare curcumin to the use of the drug Prozac. The study had 60 subjects in the test pool who suffered from depression. Once again, the subjects were divided into three groups:

  • Group 1: This group was given a dose of Prozac.
  • Group 2: This group was given a 1 g dose of curcumin.
  • Group 3: This group was given both.

The experiment results showed that the first two groups had comparable results, and the third showed the most promise. Given that anxiety and depression can cause blood pressure issues, this is a notable advantage of curcumin supplements. 

By regulating your anxiety with curcumin, you are subsequently helping to manage your blood pressure in an interesting iteration of the "two birds with one stone" scenario. However, all of this information still begs how long it takes for curcumin's effects to affect your overall blood pressure.

How Long Does it Take for Curcumin to Work?

Now we come to the question that brought you here. Having a timeline is probably beneficial if you have elected to use curcumin to treat your condition. Unfortunately, this is where our little article hits a bit of a snag. There is very little data to suggest that curcumin's effects on blood pressure are immediate. 

Currently, evidence suggests that curcumin takes several weeks to make a dent in high blood pressure. On average, it can take 4 to 6 weeks before a curcumin supplement will be able to lower your blood pressure in any significant way. As with any medication or supplement, patience is key since there is no miracle cure for any condition. They will always take time.

Taking A Curcumin Supplement

Insofar as curcumin supplements are concerned, it takes longer because it is difficult for the human body to absorb. This is why most supplements use piperine to enhance the bioavailability of curcumin. Otherwise, our bodies would only be able to absorb a small percentage of the full effects curcumin offers. However, even these optimized supplements cannot accelerate the timeframe curcumin needs to benefit your blood pressure. 

Although it can take weeks for the curcumin to make a dent in the problem, it is still a powerful weapon against elevated blood pressure. The only trick is making sure you get the proper dosage.

What is a Proper Dosage?

The problem with figuring out the right dosage of curcumin is that there are no official recommendations from the Food and Drug Administration. Curcumin is recognized as a safe substance, and no maximum intake levels have been identified with modern research. Even though the FDA has not limited how much curcumin you should consume, there are still some general rules you should observe. 

Any curcumin supplement you purchase will have a printed dosage on the bottle that you should not exceed. Generally, the supplements are designed to offer the most effect with the quantity found in each supplement. However, if you want to consume the absolute most curcumin possible, the FAO and WHO have put together a recommended dietary intake.

According to their data, the ideal concentration of curcumin to safely reap the benefits only requires you to consume 1.4 mg of curcumin per pound of your body weight. Let us say, for example, that you are a 200 lb. man. You would want to take no more than 280 mg of curcumin per day. However, an older study also found no harmful side effects from consuming up to 8,000 mg of curcumin in a single day. 

Turmeric Curcumin Dosage

Regardless, it is likely in your best interest to adhere to the dosage prescribed on your supplement bottle of choice. This way, you can be sure that you are 100% safe from any possible side effects. Mind you, the side effects that have been associated with curcumin are mild and not likely to lead to any serious complications. However, they are the kind of side effects that you are better off without. The side effects that have been reported with curcumin include:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Skin Rashes

While not serious issues, they are still unpleasant, and you would do well to avoid them. Fortunately, these issues are extremely rare and would require you to consume more curcumin than a reasonable person ever would. So, the odds of you experiencing any of them due to curcumin supplementation is very slim. It eventually just becomes a matter of finding a quality supplement that you can rely on.

The Nu You

Curcumin can be a very useful tool for managing your blood pressure without relying completely on pharmaceutical products. Curcumin can address some of the more common causes behind elevated blood pressure, which, in turn, allows your blood pressure to return to a normal level. However, there is no rushing its effects, and you will need to remain patient while the curcumin supplements do their job. The benefits of curcumin outweigh the wait, so you should have absolutely no issues taking advantage of curcumin for your blood pressure needs. 

We urge you to consult with your primary care physician before introducing a new substance to your daily routine. This way, you can remain confident that there will be no conflicts between the curcumin supplement you use and any other medicinal or dietary restrictions you might have.

NuVitality Turmeric Curcumin Supplement

As for acquiring a curcumin supplement, we at NuVitality would like to extend an invitation to peruse our wares. We offer curcumin supplements boosted with piperine from black pepper to ensure maximum bioavailability. Our product is safe, and a mere two capsules a day will be able to provide a full daily dose of curcumin that can provide all the benefits we have discussed here. So, if you are interested in reaching the Nu, healthier you, visit our website today.

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