
FAQ: Why is Turmeric Commonly Paired With Ginger?

Turmeric Commonly Paired With Ginger

By now, virtually everyone has heard of turmeric due to its many uses in health and cuisine. It is a substance that has been making a name for itself for years since its initial discovery, albeit with some issues. Turmeric has become an extremely popular supplement for people worldwide suffering from health issues of varying degrees. It offers a host of benefits that can be an effective medium for revitalizing your overall health. 

For all of the good that turmeric can offer for the human condition, it is seldom taken alone and is usually cooked into something mixed with other substances to help it go down easier. One of the more common pairings for turmeric happens to be a close relative.

Ginger and turmeric are commonly paired together when supplementation is the goal. While they make a popular team, there is some confusion about why people are mixing turmeric with ginger. After all, the turmeric root is a very close relative of your typical ginger root that might make taking them together seem redundant if not pointless. 

However, there might be a valid reason for combining your daily turmeric supplement with some ginger. This article aims to explore the reasoning behind such a combination and how it can benefit your health.

They Are Both Anti-Inflammatory

One of the most common reasons for using turmeric and its supplements is that turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory compound. Chronic inflammation is a gateway to many diseases, not the least of which is heart disease. This is why anti-inflammatory substances are highly valued in modern medicine and health. 

Turmeric, more specifically the curcumin found within the turmeric root, is known to offer this benefit with a great deal of efficiency. Curcumin is paired with ginger in these cases because simple ginger has a similar anti-inflammatory effect to turmeric, albeit a little weaker. Because both products can reduce inflammation, taking them together can help you double down on the benefits.

There has been a great deal of research into both turmeric and ginger to see how they can address inflammation. Both compounds have yielded impressive and promising results that have made them very popular among those seeking a natural approach to their health issues. One study, in particular, was conducted on ginger to see just how well it was able to reduce inflammation in people with osteoarthritis. 

The study consisted of 120 subjects given 1 gram of ginger once a day for three months. The study resulted in the subjects experiencing reduced inflammation and nitric oxide levels, proving ginger a formidable tool against inflammation.

Painful Hand Inflammation

Additionally, a review of 9 other studies was conducted on ginger's anti-inflammatory effects to reinforce the findings. This collection of studies involved administering between 1 to 3 g of ginger once a day for 6 to 12 weeks. The results showed that the increased consumption of ginger resulted in lower levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation. These findings further proved that ginger is a highly effective tool for managing inflammation levels.

Similarly, a test was conducted on turmeric curcumin in patients with ulcerative colitis. This study had a smaller sample pool of 89 subjects, with 45 receiving 1 g of curcumin twice a day for six months. When the trial ended, the curcumin was shown to have reduced the inflammation caused by the ulcerative colitis and induced a state of remission. This study provided significant evidence for curcumin's ability to aid with inflammatory diseases and conditions. 

Similar to the studies conducted on ginger, another review of 15 studies analyzed the effects of turmeric on C-reactive proteins (CRP). The individual studies all came with a similar result showing that turmeric supplementation could reduce CRP levels in the body. They were also able to lower the levels of interleukin-6 and malondialdehyde, which are also markers of inflammation. This shows that turmeric can reduce inflammation in similar ways to ginger and that it actually exceeds ginger's capacity to do so.

By combining the curcumin found in turmeric with ginger, you would be able to reap the anti-inflammatory benefits of both substances to ensure that certain diseases are less likely to manifest. While ginger and turmeric are highly effective tools for combatting inflammation, this is far from the full extent of their uses. There are still more potential benefits that both plants offer for your health.

They Are Both Capable of Pain Relief

Chronic pain is an issue that virtually every human has had some experience with. Anyone who has suffered a major physical injury has likely developed some form of chronic pain. Usually, such pain is treated using pharmaceuticals like painkillers, muscle relaxers, and other mainstream medications. However, recent evidence has suggested that both turmeric and ginger have the potential to manage the effects of chronic pain on the body. 

Given that turmeric and ginger are more natural than the synthetically generated medications produced by modern medicine, these compounds are more appealing than they might have been before.

A research team reviewed eight separate studies on turmeric to assess the benefits and effects of a 1,000 mg dose for joint pain. The review collated the results of these studies that all suggested that turmeric curcumin was able to reduce the pain caused by arthritic conditions. Not only that, but turmeric's effects on this joint pain were on par with mainstream medications designed for the same purpose. 

Chronic Back Pain

Meanwhile, a smaller study conducted on turmeric took a subject pool of 40 candidates suffering from osteoarthritis. The study showed that the subjects given 1,500 mg of curcumin enjoyed a significant reduction in pain levels. They even saw restored functionality of the afflicted limbs, whereas the placebo group saw little to no improvement.

Ginger was subjected to similar studies and has shown similar promise in treating chronic pain. One of the most impressive was a 5-day study conducted on 120 women suffering from menstrual pain. The women were given a dose of 500 mg of ginger three times a day and were given significant relief from the pain they were suffering. Another study was conducted on 74 people who exercised regularly and suffered pain due to their regimen. Over 11 days, they were given 2 g of ginger which relieved a significant amount of pain.

Using turmeric and ginger together could enable the taker to maximize pain relief with minimal conflict. Given how common chronic pain is in the medical world, having two substances to use against it is nothing short of fantastic. However, there is still more that ginger and turmeric can offer.

They Both Relieve Nausea

Nausea is an unfortunately common symptom of many common illnesses and diseases. For example, if you have ever had the flu, you have experienced nausea. Sometimes, the nausea is so intense that over-the-counter products like TUMS and other commercial antacids are not enough to offer relief. 

However, both turmeric and ginger are proven to be able to settle nausea and make your stomach issues less prevalent. When your nausea is induced by more serious conditions, like pregnancy or chemotherapy, they offer a more natural method for settling your stomach without the risk of harmful interactions with any prescribed medications. The effects of ginger and turmeric on nausea are scientifically supported by research and case studies that examined this very issue.

Woman Feeling Nauseous

study on a subject pool of 170 women examined the effects of ginger on pregnancy-induced nausea. It is well known that pregnancy causes severe nausea even in the early stages and that using a synthetic chemical can negatively affect the fetus. The study attempted to address this by providing the women with 1 g of ginger powder for a week. The results were extremely promising as the ginger offered results on par with commonly prescribed anti-nausea medication that is safe for pregnant women.

As for turmeric, the studies surrounding its effects on nausea are still being explored in terms of research. Preliminary research has found that turmeric has a high potential for treating nausea caused by chemotherapy treatments, which are already extremely delicate. Unfortunately, this procedure has a nasty habit of causing nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea that turmeric might be able to counter. 

By combining turmeric with ginger, you are all but assured to enjoy relief from nausea caused by several conditions. It will also allow you to maintain this benefit with minimal risk of negative interactions with your prescription medication or treatments. However, you might be concerned about potential issues caused by turmeric and ginger themselves.

Side Effects of Ginger and Turmeric

As with any substance you introduce to your body, you always have to determine whether there are any potential side effects to consider. Moderation is critical with any product you use for health management, and excess can make your situation worse than it needs to be. When it comes to the consumption of turmeric and ginger or any supplements derived from them, they are considered safe for human use. However, consuming them in vast quantities with reckless abandon could cause complications, especially if you take them simultaneously. 

There has been some evidence that ginger can affect your blood's ability to clot. If you are taking blood thinners or have a condition that affects the density of your blood, you could find that excessive consumption of ginger could lead to serious complications. Additionally, there is evidence to suggest that ginger can have a similar effect on your blood sugar levels. Once again, consuming ginger when taking medication to treat high blood sugar or diabetes could cause a harmful interaction. However, aside from these risks, ginger is a safe spice that you can introduce to your diet with minimal issues.

Ginger and Turmeric

Insofar as turmeric is concerned, the reports of side effects are as minimal as those associated with ginger. To experience any side effects from turmeric, you would need to consume extremely high doses of curcumin, which is already minimal in the average turmeric root. The side effects that have been reported from such excess consumption were not the most dangerous symptoms in the world. The known side effects include:

  • Rashes
  • Diarrhea
  • Headaches

The potential for harmful side effects from ginger or turmeric is minimal, to say the least. However, you should always consult your primary care physician before introducing any new substance to your body. With this information, however, you should enjoy the benefits of these substances without much worry. Simply make sure to follow the dosage information on your supplements and avoid interaction with medications that affect blood pressure. All that should concern you now is finding a supplement you can trust.

The Nu Healthy You

It is clear that both ginger and turmeric are extremely effective for bolstering your health and helping you live a healthier life. Each spice offers a remarkable range of benefits on its own, but when combined, they allow you to reinforce their respective effects. Introducing ginger to your diet while taking a curcumin supplement will enable you to enjoy both of their benefits simultaneously. 

You need to remember that overconsumption of these substances can cause more harm than good, and you should exercise moderation. While ginger is easily obtainable and introduced, curcumin is a little trickier. This is because curcumin levels in turmeric roots are minimal at best, meaning simply adding turmeric to your diet will not be sufficient. This is why curcumin supplements are a better choice but finding one you can trust can be challenging.

NuVitality Turmeric Curcumin Supplement

Fortunately, we at NuVitality are here to help with exactly that. We offer a turmeric curcumin supplement bolstered with black pepper to improve bioavailability. We also offer a few other supplements that can help you to improve your overall health using lion's mane and mulberry. Our products are readily available and safe, with dosage information conveniently printed on the bottle to make taking them a simple affair. So, if you want to take advantage of curcumin's many health benefits alongside an increased intake of ginger, visit our website. Our products are the first step on the journey to the Nu, healthier you.

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